Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting Closer....

So! I have a sono this Wednesday night! The sonographer will be taking pictures to see if we should all be thinking blue or pink! The complicated part is I am not going to let her share the info with me. The plan is to have a pre-addressed envelope ready to send to Morgan. Once the sonographer has the picture printed that says "Its a ______" she will place it and seal it in the envelope and then I will mail it off to Afghanistan.

I wanted Morgan to have the pleasure and joy of being the first to know. Then he will either call me or skype me (depending on connection) and tell me what we are having! I can't wait! I hope the letter reaches him soon. So far most of our packages that have been sent to him have reached him in about a week.

People keep asking what I "feel" like I am having. My response has been "a baby". I just really don't have a gut feeling on what this baby could be. My prayer all along has been for it to be healthy!

My next doctor appointment is on Oct. 5th. I can't believe I am already 18 weeks along (will be this Tues.)

For an update on Maverick! He is back to his old self. Has little scars on his nose where the snake bit him but I am so thankful that is all he has!

Thanks to everyone for the prayers for my family.


  1. What a wonderful page! I am so happy for you all, and can't wait to meet the new baby Canales. Love you all, Terri

  2. Oh. Just saw the update :) I'm glad Maverick is back to being his puppy self!
